Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It's the time of the year that is happy and amusing. Holidays loom, yearly appraisals are visible far more clearly on the horizon and the undesirable but necessary evil of reviewing the year that was grins maliciously. The year that was... Well, it was one heck of an year, to be sure. I had the pleasure of exploring a new country, and new spaces in my personal life as well. Saw some horrid times, sat through months of tedium and sheer frustration, and tried a WHOLE lot of new things. Emerged wiser? Absolutely.

I have made a few conclusions and some remain observations. Wisdom is certainly over-rated. If we were to be wise ALL the time, what's left to learn? How do you grow? But that obviously does not mean we terrorize the world with inanity. I may just be learning to be more forgiving.

A conclusion I made was that I have not met a single person through the year who has made any impact on my life. That might be something to work on; I can't control who I meet but it most definitely will help if I at last make an effort to socialize. I hate to use the term "resolution," as if the beginning of a year were a harbinger to finding resoluteness within. All the same, an effort to change what I believe might be a vice I can do without is on for the forthcoming year.

Also, I most definitely want to travel a lot more, read a lot more and, at the risk of stretching my wants, write a lot more.

It was a sudden realization that dawned today -- I'm revisiting this space after four months. I seem to have written a bit these past few months but haven't gotten around to sharing it. Hope to, after this post.

Meanwhile, welcoming yet another year in all earnestness. Have a good feeling about this one.


Rohan Eden said...

There is something refreshingly different about this particular entry... optimistic and hopeful... its great to see that... and just cuz of this i'm sure u'll have an awesome 2009...

Amitha said...

thanks so much, rohan. very sweet of you!