Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Lovelorn Woman

i'm sitting in the park
wondering what to do next.
i hear the chirping birds
the lush green grass makes me glow
i watch the kids screaming and squabbling
a toddler walks up to me
followed by his mother
i smile-
suddenly i decipher the illusion
the place around me turns to a desert
miles of barren land-
the noise and voices are drifting away.
the sun is furious
the heat seeps through my skin
crying hysterically i look around-
all i hear is a faint laugh.

In Memoriam

as i walked through the dark lanes
i pondered-how could it be?
ages have passed since we parted
still i breathe, continue to exist
i've achieved something i never thought i could-
never desired to achieve it either.

as i go deeper into the lanes,it dawns-
days have passed and will continue to pass
i survive till something gets the better of me-
oughtn't i to survive in guilt then?
to writhe,wriggle and wait-
wait an endless wait
wait for pain,joy,anguish,desire
and the result-
what then,do i derive from life?
all its nothingness in one blow.

should i move on?i need a destination-
to reach,seek and attain
i'd rather wait an endless wait.