What is with men and peeing in this country? Am I the only unfortunate soul who witnesses the carefree and unabashed release of men’s bladders just about anywhere I go? Ok I understand it is winter, but guess what? it is winter for ladies too! Hell, even advertisements endorse it like it were a way of life here. Although, it would have to be a really good argument to say it isn’t. And of course, the favourite seems to be good old ring road. At any given hour, you will find vehicles parked along the road with men freeloading without a care in the world. A lot of people have informed me it is a hit with women too, mercifully I have been spared that sight. And I can assure you, it ain’t a phenomenon restricted to Bangalore, and it has nothing to do with any “particular” species of men. The latest mantra with them – “let it rip.”
Just a thought to end the series of thoughts…It would be very astute to take a minute before shaking hands with next guy you meet; I would recommend it very strongly.